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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Normative Anglo Islamic Dress

Normative Anglo Islamic DressIf you are looking for Islamic dress, you must consider this dress from this valuable source. You can find more Islamic dresses with other Islamic accessories as well.

Nice Design and Motif of Muslim Dress

Nice Design and Motif of Muslim DressThis image can be taken as a good example of Islamic dress. The motif is very simple but it looks so elegant and expensive in taste and outlook.

Modest and Elegant Islamic Dress

Modest and Elegant Islamic DressIslamic Dress is seen to be very elegant and polite for women to get the nicest appearance.

Vintage Fashions

Nowadays, dah ramai yg sukakan vintage fashions, kalau sapa yg pandai gayakan mesti nampak comel and lain sikit dari orang lain. Hehe, bukan semua org berani nak pakai dress up ala vintage ni...Uols camner, pernah tak dress up camtuh? I pernah tapi kat rumah je, suka jugak online update kat vintage biri2, nice baju2 nya. Suka sgt...Mesti cepat jek sold out or reserved items dia.

Vintage ni bukan setakat clothing je, yg jenis vintage scarves pon ader jugak. Ni ada contoh2 clothing vintage brand FCUK (French Connection UK), hope u guys like it!

busana muslim jilbab islamic fashion

busana muslim jilbab islamic fashion

you are a Muslim woman who wants to find the latest fashions or a modern veil are not still cover aurat.
on this blog we give examples like the ones above are busana muslim jilbab islamic fashion
